More time…

for the things that really matter!

What could you be doing instead of balancing your books?

Business owners turn to us to buy back valuable time.

Think about it for a second…

You work really hard doing what you love…

And at the end of a hard day’s work, there’s still a pile of paperwork and data entry waiting for you…

Paying staff – chasing money – invoicing – accountant’s questions – cashflow forecasts – WorkCover – Super – the ATO – monthly / quarterly BAS lodgement – data entry – suppliers’ accounts…

It never ends!!

But your business can’t run without these tasks being done!

And if you give the harder tasks to your accountant, the fees can be quite hefty.

So, can I ask you what your time is worth per hour?

Let’s say it’s worth $100 just for this example (I’m guessing you charge more than this)…

And let’s say you spend 10 hours a week, on average, doing all of the tasks listed above…

That’s $1,000 of missed income per week – $50k per year!!
– allowing for a short holiday 😉

OR 500 hours you’ll never get back!

No wonder you feel time poor!!

But think about this…

We’re the experts in our field, just as you are in yours…

We can do the above tasks in much less time than most business owners, and without any errors or discrepancies…

And we certainly don’t charge $100 / hour.

So, what could you do with an extra $50k per year?
(don’t forget this is based on a lower rate than you probably charge)

Or how would you spend an extra 10 hours a week?

Bare minimum, it frees you up to do the tasks that only you can do – which is what the most successful business owners choose to do.

And we want you to succeed so you can help more people (clients, team members, the community) and have a bigger impact!

What are you waiting for?

Get in touch today

and start saving precious time and money!